Trading With Egypt Workshop – Cargo X, Nafeza & ACID
A step by step guide on how to send your documents to the importer in terms of displaying the functionality of the system as well as its purpose
CargoX platform – What is it and How does it work?
Changes and why they were implemented?
What is the ACI ? Why do I need it?
What is the system do for the Importer and what should the Exporter receive
CargoX – This will be an end-to-end overview from registering to sending an envelope via the blockchain.
FAQ from CargoX and also Nafeza
Question and Answer part – We will have a guest speaker from CargoX and the option for everyone to submit specific questions.
Time: 9.30 am – 12.30 pm
Individual half-day course cost £170 + VAT for Chamber Members and £230 + VAT for Non-Members.
A discount can be offered when booking 3 or more delegates on this course.
Cargo X and ACID Workshop
October 20, 2022
9:30 am - 12:30 pm
Venue: Virtual via Zoom
Venue Phone: 0044 (0)20 7499 3100
Venue Website: http://www.theebcc.com